
Learn more about me

Electrical Engineer, Imaging Scientist & (soon to-be) Full-stack web developer

I am passionate about technology, computer vision and scientific software development. I love photography, but I wish to have more time to practice.

I am a qualified data and imaging scientist with proven experience developing software tools for multiple sectors, such as pharmaceutical, medical devices and environmental. Given my strong background in engineer, biomedical imaging and computer sciences, I have a set of technical, analytical and experimental skills to understand and develop innovative solutions to complex problems.

In 2018, my brother and I founded iSANDEx, a consultancy company where we offer professional services in data science, scientific software development and project management. I am currently expanding my skills towards development of web applications, so we can provide more complete technical solutions and according to the newest tecnologies.


Some of my work

  • All
  • Web
  • App

Full Stack Banking application


PacMen Exercise


Eyes Exercise


Real-time Bus Tracking Exercise


Word Counter application



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